
These Libraries, Organizations, Publishers, and Enterprises serving the library community have chosen to publicly commit to advancing the digital privacy of library users by endorsing the First Library Digital Privacy Pledge. The goals of the Pledge are to make library services more secure and private by implementing HTTPS. To add your organization to the list, send email to pledge(at)libraryfreedomproject(dot)org.

Membership Organizations

Council on Library and Information Resources (1/1/2016)

Digital Library Federation (1/1/2016)

Digital Public Library of America (6/1/2016)

Metropolitan New York Library Council (1/1/2016)

New Jersey Library Association (7/19/2016)

New York Library Association (3/10/2016)

Public Libraries

Lebanon Public Libraries (1/1/2016)

Millis Public Library (1/1/2016)

Ottawa Public Library | Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa (1/1/2016)

San Rafael Public Library (1/1/2016)

Academic Libraries

Bielefeld University Library (1/1/2016)

University of California at Davis (1/1/2016)

Publishers/Distributors/Software Vendors

Auto-Graphics, Inc (1/1/2016)

Directory of Open Access Journals (1/1/2016)

Equinox Software, Inc. (1/27/2016)

Internet Archive (1/1/2016)

JSTOR (1/1/2016)

Odilo, LLC (1/1/2016)

Open Library of Humanities (1/1/2016) and (6/28/2017)

Total Boox (1/21/2016) (1/1/2016)

Supporting Statements

The details of the Pledge haven’t fit all the ways that organizations and individuals are supporting the goals of the pledge, to make library services more secure and private by implementing HTTPS. To add your statement, post, or link to this list, send email to pledge(at)libraryfreedomproject(dot)org.

Membership Organizations

American Library Association

Digital Public Library of America

Public Libraries

San José Public Library

Publishers/Distributors/Software Vendors



Project Muse


Gavin FerribyUniversity Librarian at Sacred Heart University

James LarueDirector of ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom

Sarah HoughtonDirector for the San Rafael Public Library

Liz McIntyre, Author and Consumer Privacy Expert